Workshops & Activities

How we can help
Mental wellbeing is a key factor influencing everything from employment to family relationships and community participation. RagTag is a unique and invaluable resource in Skye and Lochalsh for people with varying mental health concerns.
We provide a secure, calm and responsive environment that enables people to occupy themselves in a meaningful and creative way – increasing confidence, motivation and wellbeing.
People come to Rag Tag as part of their journey to wellbeing. We offer a supportive environment where you can lose yourself in craftwork and learn new skills.
Become a Student
We offer support and training in Broadford through small, friendly workshops led by experienced tutors. In these workshops, students work in a supportive environment where they can learn new skills and pursue interests tailored to their individual needs. Our creative up-cycling projects not only provide unique crafts but also help reduce waste going into landfill.
Student workshop sessions take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Open to the public - Supporting the whole community
We also offer opportunities to socialise and learn new crafting skills to our whole community on Monday and Thursdays
Open workshops
These tutor-led workshops are open to all and provide opportunities to engage in a range of interesting activities aimed at both community well-being and skill development….. to see which activities and workshops are coming up visit…
Come to "Snug"
We offer an informal Thursday drop-in session at RagTag in Broadford that is open to all, no referrals necessary. We provide hot drinks, biscuits & cake, soup and a warm welcome. Come for the company and a chance to try a crafting activity. We can provide access to a computer if you need to fill in official online forms, official letters etc.
Thursdays from 11.00am – 3.00pm