Student Referrals

Becoming a Student

If you suffer from feelings of low mood, depression or anxiety, or if you experience social isolation, and feel that RagTag may be able to help, you can ask to attend at RagTag as a student.

To join our sheltered workshops as a student you will require a referral from a health or social work professional. Some students self-refer in the first instance and we contact the relevant professionals.

We have sessions in Broadford, on the Industrial Estate.

You can fill in a self-referral form and return it to RagTag, or you can speak to your health professional or social worker who can fill in the form and help you to attend.


At the darkest period of my life RagTag was a ray of light for me. Being there helped me find myself again and I gained in confidence and self-esteem. Knowing that I have my RagTag family keeps me looking forward to life.


RagTag is a safe place to go. This is one of the paces I can feel safe to be myself.


It’s a completely unique place to hang out and make things from donated textiles from our community. Always a happy cheerful place to be.

Professional Referrals

If you are a health professional and would like to refer a patient, please use the form below.