Data Protection & Privacy Policy

This privacy notice tells you about the information we collect from you when you become a Ragtag (Rag Tag and Textile Ltd) member, or you subscribe to our mail list or attend one of our events. In collecting this information, we are acting as a data controller and, by law, we are required to provide you with information about us, about why and how we use your data, and about the rights you have regarding your data.

Who are we?

Ragtag (Rag Tag and Textile Ltd) Scottish Charity No: SCO37619. Company No SC380098

Contact us:

Any enquiries about our use of your personal data should be addressed to

Personal data we collect

When you sign up to become a member of Ragtag (Rag Tag and Textile Ltd)) or to receive information from us we will keep your name, address, telephone number, email address, company name/nature of business, job title (where you have provided any or all of this information).  We keep your personal contact information on our mailing list private.  We will not sell, rent, share, or otherwise disclose your personal information to anyone out with Ragtag (Rag Tag and Textile Ltd) unless we have asked for your express consent to do so.

Why we collect your information

We will use your information to send you newsletters and information that we feel is of a particular interest to you and/or your organisation.  We require your information to stay in touch with you.

What we do with your information

Your complete information is stored in our contacts database and your email information in our contacts list on webmail.

How long will we keep your information?

We will keep your information until you cancel your membership, unsubscribe or ask us to delete it.

Your rights over your information

By law, you can ask us what information we hold about you, and you can ask us to correct it if it is inaccurate. You can also ask us to give you a copy of the information and to stop using your information for a period of time if you believe we are not doing so lawfully.

To submit a request by email, post or telephone, please use the contact information provided below.

Rag Tag and Textile Ltd
Unit 3
Broadford Industrial Estate
Isle of Skye
IV49 9AP

Tel: 01471 822043


Security precautions in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of your information

Non-sensitive details (your email address etc.) are transmitted normally over the Internet, and this can never be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your information, we make our best effort to ensure its security on our systems.

Any paper copies holding personal data are held in a locked cabinet.

Use of ‘cookies’

Like many other websites, the Rag Tag and Textile website uses cookies. ‘Cookies’ are small pieces of information sent by an organisation to your computer and stored on your hard drive to allow that website to recognise you when you visit. They collect statistical data about your browsing actions and patterns and do not identify you as an individual. For example, we use cookies to store your country preference. This helps us to improve our website and deliver a better more personalised service.

It is possible to switch off cookies by setting your browser preferences. For more information on how to switch off cookies on your computer, visit our full cookies notice. Turning cookies off may result in a loss of functionality when using our website.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites run by other organisations. This privacy notice applies only to our website‚ so we encourage you to read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit. We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other sites even if you access them using links from our website.

In addition, if you linked to our website from a third party site, we cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of the owners and operators of that third party site and recommend that you check the notice of that third party site.

16 or Under

We are concerned to protect the privacy of children aged 16 or under. If you are aged 16 or under‚ please get your parent/guardian’s permission beforehand whenever you provide us with personal information.

Transferring your information outside of Europe

The information which you provide to us may be transferred to countries outside the European Union (“EU”). By way of example, this may happen if any of our servers (cloud based storage) are from time to time located in a country outside of the EU. These countries may not have similar data protection laws to the UK. By submitting your personal data, you’re agreeing to this transfer, storing or processing. If we transfer your information outside of the EU in this way, we will take steps to ensure that appropriate security measures are taken with the aim of ensuring that your privacy rights continue to be protected as outlined in this Notice.

Right to complain

If you have a complaint about our use of your information, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office

Review of this Notice

We will keep this Notice under regular review. This Notice was last updated in May 2024.